Hertsmere Together is the Local Strategic Partnership. It represents the public, private, voluntary and community sectors within Hertsmere.
Hertsmere Together is committed to working in partnership to deliver the best quality and most efficient services to Hertsmere residents.
Our members have the authority to speak on behalf of their individual organisation/groups and to commit resources to achieving the work set out in its Community Strategy 2023-2027.
- Community Strategy pdf file[1.1MB]
(PDF 1.1 mb) We undertake to:
- take a strategic view
- speak with authority
- make decisions on behalf of our organisation
- commit resources (in principle)
- adjust corporate policies (in principle)
Hertsmere Together's vision is:
- To shape a better future for the communities of Hertsmere through partnership working.
The three key objectives are:
- To create a safer community for all.
- To create a healthier community for all.
- To create a thriving community for all.
We will work together with communities to identify solutions and initiatives to address local issues.
The Hertsmere Compact
The Hertsmere Compact (PDF 402 kb) is an agreement between public bodies, voluntary and community organisations (VCOs). The agreement aims to ensure that public bodies in Hertsmere and the voluntary sector work effectively in partnership to achieve common goals and outcomes for the benefit of communities and residents of Hertsmere.