Licensing Act 2003 - Current Applications

ApplicantPixel Moon Media Ltd
Premises Name and Address59 Wroxham Gardens
Potters Bar
Application TypeNew Premises Licence
DetailsSale of Alcohol: Monday to Sunday 09:00 - 23:00
Last Date for Representations31 March 2025

Representations may be submitted in respect to the above applications no later than midnight on the last date for representations either to the Council at its office address or by email to

Representations must be in writing and contain the objector’s full name and address and relate to the applications effect on the licensing objectives.

Anonymous objections or those that are not relevant to the application or the licensing objectives, or which are deemed frivolous and vexatious will not be accepted.

Before submitting a representation you are advised to request a copy of the applicant’s full operating schedule.

All objections, including the name and address of the objector are required by the Licensing Act 2003 to be provided to the applicant and their representatives.