The Headline Actions below will underpin the development and delivery of the priority projects to 2016.

Creating certainty for investment

PP1 - Invest Hertsmere

  • Attend MIPIM UK (International Property Event) as part of Hertfordshire grouping to promote Hertsmere internationally
  • Produce inward investment brochures to market key development sites
  • Feed into the Hertfordshire Economic Development Officer Group to lobby for improvements across Hertsmere
  • Deliver broadband demand stimulation initiative
  • Explore establishment of council owned property development company

PP2 - Vibrant Hertsmere

  • Develop Strategies for public realm improvement across main towns
  • Develop programme for the use of the section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy money in order to deliver improvements

Nurturing employment and enterprise

PP3 - Enterprising Hertsmere

  • Signpost business support networks and programmes currently on offer throughout the country
  • Feed into Asset Management Strategy

PP4 - Hertsmere Connect

  • Develop programme of business meetings and events to improve business networking across the borough including Business Expo in October

PP5 -

  • Publish charter and support through council Business Champions Group

Championing learning and skills

PP6 - Skilling Hertsmere

  • Develop and support the roll out of Dragons Apprentice Challenge across the borough
  • Set up and run skills group
  • Produce and drive forward skills strategy and action plan
  • Encourage and promote apprenticeships internally and externally

Generating quality places

PP7 - South Hertfordshire/North London Creative Corridor

  • Put in place joint working arrangements with other local authorities in the corridor
  • Agree and deliver joint work programme

PP8 - Elstree Creative Corridor

  • Consider key sites as part of the review of the local plan

PP9 - Town Centre Improvement Strategies

  • Consider strategies to revitalise the town centres to make them viable for the modern economy

Driving a sector approach

PP10 - Sector Strategies

  • Produce sector profiles, beginning with the creative sector
  • Support Creative England film charter
  • Develop sector networks, beginning with the creative sector cluster
  • Develop and deliver sector based action plans

Making it happen

PP11 - Partnership Working

  • Set up economic board and hold quarterly meetings
  • Set up sub groups to drive delivery