Last Modified March 01, 2021
The Headline Actions below will underpin the development and delivery of the priority projects to 2016.
Creating certainty for investment
PP1 - Invest Hertsmere
- Attend MIPIM UK (International Property Event) as part of Hertfordshire grouping to promote Hertsmere internationally
- Produce inward investment brochures to market key development sites
- Feed into the Hertfordshire Economic Development Officer Group to lobby for improvements across Hertsmere
- Deliver broadband demand stimulation initiative
- Explore establishment of council owned property development company
PP2 - Vibrant Hertsmere
- Develop Strategies for public realm improvement across main towns
- Develop programme for the use of the section 106 and Community Infrastructure Levy money in order to deliver improvements
Nurturing employment and enterprise
PP3 - Enterprising Hertsmere
- Signpost business support networks and programmes currently on offer throughout the country
- Feed into Asset Management Strategy
PP4 - Hertsmere Connect
- Develop programme of business meetings and events to improve business networking across the borough including Business Expo in October
- Publish charter and support through council Business Champions Group
Championing learning and skills
PP6 - Skilling Hertsmere
Develop and support the roll out of Dragons Apprentice Challenge across the borough
Set up and run skills group
Produce and drive forward skills strategy and action plan
Encourage and promote apprenticeships internally and externally
Generating quality places
PP7 - South Hertfordshire/North London Creative Corridor
- Put in place joint working arrangements with other local authorities in the corridor
- Agree and deliver joint work programme
PP8 - Elstree Creative Corridor
- Consider key sites as part of the review of the local plan
PP9 - Town Centre Improvement Strategies
- Consider strategies to revitalise the town centres to make them viable for the modern economy
Driving a sector approach
PP10 - Sector Strategies
- Produce sector profiles, beginning with the creative sector
- Support Creative England film charter
- Develop sector networks, beginning with the creative sector cluster
- Develop and deliver sector based action plans
Making it happen
PP11 - Partnership Working
- Set up economic board and hold quarterly meetings
- Set up sub groups to drive delivery